Nivel Elemental

Nivel Medio

Nivel Avanzado



Nivel Elemental

Lesson 1 11/04/2013

Parts of the House

En este vídeo conocerás las partes de la casa, como se escribe y su pronunciación.


Lesson 2 10/04/2013

The Family

Aunt –  tía
Boyfriend –  novio
Brother –  hermano
Brother in law – Cuñado
Cousin –  primo/a
Dad –  pápa
Daddy –  papi
Daughter –  hija
Daughter in law –  nuera
Girlfriend – novia

Godfather –  padrino
Godmother –  madrina
Grandpa –  abuelito
Grandchildren –  nietos
Granddaughter –  nieta
Grandfather –  abuelo
Grandma – abuelita
Grandmother –  abuela
Grandparents – abuelos
Grandson – nieto

Great-grandfather –  bisabuelo
Great-grandmother –  bisabuela
Husband – esposo, marido
Mother  – madre
Mother-in-law  – suegra
Mom –  má
Mum  – má
Mummy – mami
Nephew –  sobrino
Niece – sobrina

Parents –  padres
Sibling –  hermano/a
Sister – hermana
Sister-in-law – cuñada
Son – hijo
Son-in-law –  yerno
Stepdaughter –  hijastra
Stepmother –  madrastra
Stepfather –  padrastro
Stepson –  hijastro

Uncle – tío
Wife –  esposa, mujer
Firstborn –  primogénito
Oldest –  el/la mayor
Youngest –  el/la menor
Twins –  gemelos
Adopted –  adoptado
Orphan –  huérfano/a
Relative –  pariente
Acquaintance –  conocido

Generation –  generación
Ancestors –  antepasados
Descendants –  descendientes


Lesson 3 09/04/2013


Good night se usa como fórmula de despedida. Si se quiere decir buenas noches, se dice good evening: Buenas noches, amigos míos. Good evening, my friends (aunque sean las 23:00 hs.).

En inglés británico se utiliza Excuse me para interrumpir a alguien y se emplea Sorry para pedir disculpas por algo. En inglés americano se prefiere utilizar Excuse me en lugar de Sorry.

En inglés, puedes expresar el apellido de la familia de dos modos: a) con el vocablo family (the Murphy family) y b) pluralizando el apellido (the Murphys). Por el contrario, en castellano se pluraliza el artículo y no el apellido (los Geoghegan).

Lesson 4 08/04/2013


Buenos días – Good morning
Buenas tardes – Good afternoon
Buenas noches – Good evening
Buenas noches (al despedirse) – Good night
¡Adios! ¡Chau! – Good-bye, Bye, Bye-Bye
¡Hasta luego! ¡Nos vemos! – So long! See you later!

Hasta pronto! – See you soon!
¡Hasta mañana! – See you tomorrow!
¡Hasta el mediodía! – See you at noon!
¡Hasta la noche! – See you in the evening (at night)!
¡Hasta la próxima! – Till next time!
¡Qué pases un lindo día! – Have a nice day!

¡Hola! Hi – (Hello)!
¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
¿Cómo te va? – How are you doing?
¿Cómo andas? – How are you getting on?
¿Cómo andan los Murphy? – How are the Murphys getting on?
Estoy bien, gracias – I am well (fine), thank you
Perfectamente, gracias – Quite well, thank you
¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?
¿Qué haces? ¿A qué te dedicas? – What do you do?
¿Desde cuándo eres entrenador de tennis? – How long ( have you been a tennis trainer?
¿Hablas castellano? – Do you speak Spanish? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? ¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?
¿Cómo se deletrea tu nombre? – How do you spell your name?

Lesson 5 17/05/2013


Mejora tu pronunciación y escritura de las actividades diarias que haces, ponlo en practica.


Lesson 6 17/05/2013

Food and Drinks

Mejora tu gramática


Lesson 7  17/05/2013


Conoce más vocabulario, diferencia y sigue aprendiendo con Inglaterra en casa.


Lesson 8 20/05/2013

To Spell

Sigue practicando deletreando cada palabra.

Aquí podrás seguir  practicando tu pronunciación.


Lesson 9 28/05/2013


Practica tu pronunciación y ve recordando palabras.

The Family



Lesson 10 28/05/2013


Sigue mejorando tu pronunciación con Inglaterra en casa.


Lesson 11 28/05/2013

Activities at Home

Practica tu inglés con las actividades diarias que haces en casa.



Nivel Medio

Lesson 1 17/04/2013

Does the UK have a National Day?

National Days are not celebrated in Britain in the same way as they are in a number of other countries. Only St Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland (and the republic of Ireland) and St Andrew’s Day in Scotland (from 2007) are taken as an official holiday. All the other national days are normal working days.

National Days in the UK


St. David

1 March – The national day of Wales is St David’s Day.

St David is Wales’s patron saint.

Facts about St David’s Day

Northern Ireland

St Patrick

17 March – The national day of Northern Ireland is St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick is Ireland’s patron Saint

Facts about St Patrick’s Day


St. George

23 April – The national day of England is St George’s Day.

St George is England’s patron saint.

Facts about St George’s Day


St Andrew

30 November – The national day of Scotland’s is St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.

Facts about St Andrew’s Day


Lesson 2 16/04/2013

Afternoon Tea and High Tea in England

Tetera en inglés

AfternoonTea (The traditional 4 o’clock tea)

This is a small meal, not a drink. Traditionally it consists of tea (or coffee) served with either of the following:

Freshly baked scones served with cream and jam (Known as a cream tea)

Afternoon tea sandwiches – thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

Afternoon tea is not common these days because most adults go out to work. However, you can still have Afternoon tea at the many tea rooms around England.

Afternoon tea became popular about one hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea. They started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too. Soon everyone was enjoying Afternoon tea.

High Tea (The traditional 6 o’clock tea)

The British working population did not have Afternoon Tea. They had a meal about midday, and a meal after work, between five and seven o’clock. This meal was called ‘high tea’ or just ‘tea’.

(Today, most people refer to the evening meal as dinner or supper.)

Traditionally eaten early evening, High tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet foods, such as scones, cakes, buns or tea breads, with tempting savouries, such as cheese on toast, toasted crumpets, cold meats and pickles or poached eggs on toast. This meal is now often replaced with a supper due to people eating their main meal in the evenings rather than at midday.

Lesson 3 24/04/2013


Amplia tu vocabulario cantando; mejora tu pronunciación.

Lesson 4 29/04/2013


Escucha y mejora tu pronunciación con este vídeo de la familia y ponlo en practica en casa.


Lesson 5 20/05/2013


Aquí encontraras  las diferentes profesiones


Lesson 6 22/05/2013


Aquí encontraras algunos verbos para que los utilices y continúes mejorando tu inglés.


Lesson 7 28/05/2013


Escucha atentamente y diferencia los diferentes tiempos en las frases.


Lesson 8 28/05/2013

Words with similar sound

Aquí encontraras algunas palabras para que las diferencies y mejores tu nivel de inglés.


Lesson 9 31/05/2013

Phonics Words

Escucha las diferencias y practica.


Nivel Avanzado

Lesson 1 17/04/2013

Food in Britain

Conoce las diferentes comidas británicas ; amplia tu vocabulario.


Lesson 2 15/04/2013

British Culture

Conoce más sobre la cultura británica y ponlo en practica en el curso de familias de Inglaterra en casa.



British people place considerable value on punctuality. If you agree to meet friends at three o’clock, you can bet that they’ll be there just after three. Since Britons are so time conscious, the pace of life may seem very rushed. In Britain, people make great effort to arrive on time. It is often considered impolite to arrive even a few minutes late. If you are unable to keep an appointment, it is expected that you call the person you are meeting. Some general tips follow.

You should arrive:

* At the exact time specified – for dinner, lunch, or appointments with professors, doctors, and other professionals.

* Any time during the hours specified for teas, receptions, and cocktail parties.

* A few minutes early: for public meetings, plays, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes, church services, and weddings.

If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner at half past seven, they will expect you to be there on the dot. An invitation might state «7.30 for 8», in which case you should arrive no later than 7.50. However, if an invitation says «sharp», you must arrive in plenty of time.


Lesson 3 19/04/2013

An introduction to Britain

Aquí encontraras una breve introducción de Inglaterra, su gente, sus costumbres,  normas  e historia.


Lesson 4 26/04/2013


En este vídeo podrás escuchar los diferentes acentos de Inglaterra.

Escucha atentamente y diferencia los acentos en inglés de los diferentes países.


Lesson 5  17/05/2013

10 Things you need to know about London

En este video tienes 10 cosas que debes conocer de londres


Lesson 6  17/05/2013

American vs. British

Conoce las diferencias entre el inglés Americano y Británico.

Aquí encontraras vocabulario Británico vs Americano.


Lesson 7 28/05/2013

Improve your English

Aquí encontraras unos tips para que mejores tu nivel de inglés.


Lesson 8 28/05/2013


Sigue aprendiendo y practicando con Inglaterra en casa


Lesson 9 31/05/2013


Here are some tips which might be very useful for you:

1. Decide that you will speak English everyday.

2. Talk to your family members and friends. Also try to speak a few sentences to other people in your office, in the market or the offices you visit.

3. Try to speak a few sentences in front of a morror. Speak with confidence.

4. Always say to yourself: I can speak good English.

5. Practice good sentence-making with the help of a grammar book.

6. Join a regular class in an institute, if n

7. Visit ImproveEnglishOnline.com frequently.

8.Live and work in a completely English-speaking environment.

9.Do some kind of sports, hobbies, or other activities with a group of English speakers.

10.Talk one-on-one with an English-speaking tutor a few times a week.

11.Do a language exchange with an English speaker, in person or over Skype.

12.Watch lots of hours of movies, TV shows, and videos in English, with English captions.

13.Watch movies, TV, and videos with no subtitles.

14.Watch movies, TV, and videos with subtitles in your own language.

15.Listen to English podcasts on a topic that’s interesting to you (but not on the topic of learning English).

16.Listen to English radio shows.

17.Listen to audio English lessons.


 Lesson 10 31/05/2013

Other listening tips

Interacting is better than passive listening. In other words, it’s better to talk with someone than just to listen to a TV show, radio program, or podcast. Being in a conversation forces you to listen more carefully.

The next thing to watch out for is to make sure that you listen to a variety of different kinds of speech. I know some people who listen to radio news shows every day but don’t feel like they’re improving. That’s because news English is one specialized form of speaking. Only news broadcasters speak that way. So you can’t expect to understand everyday conversation if you only listen to the news.

Captions can help if they’re in English. If you watch a movie, video, or TV show with English subtitles, it can help you match the written words to their spoken pronunciation. But subtitles in your native language are dangerous. They do help you to understand what’s going on, but they also keep your brain locked into «native language mode». Try to use native-language subtitles as little as possible.


Lesson 11 31/05/2013

If you would like something similar to a weekly plan

look at the following idea:

During your commute to work, listen to English podcasts that you find interesting OR read a magazine, novel or anything in English. (Obviously NOT during your commute if you are driving!)

Try to find an intercambio (a language exchange). Get together for some conversation over a coffee or a beer for an hour. You could do an hour of English and an hour of your native language to help them learn.

Meetup.com is a great resource for finding groups of people with similar interests. Or just look in the classifieds of a newspaper or online.

Sign up for a free course from livemocha.com. They have 4 courses that can help you improve all aspects of your English.

As you are a higher level they may be too basic for you but try the fourth course and see if it is appropriate.

Watch a movie in English or watch a TV episode in English. If this is too hard, which it with English subtitles as well.

If you have satellite TV, change all movies to the original version and watch them in English.

Review some grammar, phrasal verbs or idioms to help express yourself more naturally. Use a grammar text book or websites from the internet.

Try to choose phrasal verbs or idioms that are useful to you so that you will use them frequently.

Go out and see a movie in original version, then have another intercambio with a native speaker.

Relax, but try to think in English. 🙂

These are just some of many ideas to help you improve your English.


Lesson 12 31/05/2013

What can you do to improve your english pronunciation?

Find and use effective ESL pronunciation activities to make learning fun.

Make learning pronunciation simple and convenient by finding a good portable pronunciation course that you can take with you anywhere.Your time is valuable…spend it using an interactive pronunciation course.

Learn how to use pronunciation symbols to help you correct your own mistakes.This allows you to improve and learn, without the help of a teacher…giving you freedom and flexibility while you learn.

Get a good pronunciation dictionary. Pronunciation of words can be made simple with the help of a good dictionary.Remember those pronunciation symbols? This is when you can use them.

Learn the difference between American and British pronunciation. The differences are not as big and scary as you think.Don’t let fear limit your learning.

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